Marking International Day of Peace with refugees in Thessaloniki

© UNHCR/Sotiris Milionis

To mark International Day of Peace, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and its partner Solidarity Now, today took 30 refugees for a free tour of the White Tower, the imposing seaside symbol of Thessaloniki. The visitors all live in apartments managed by Solidarity Now under ESTIA, the Emergency Support to Integration and Accommodation programme, which is implemented by UNHCR and funded by the European Commission.

After visiting the museum inside the tower, the group stood on the ramparts of the White Tower with other visitors, held hands and made peace signs to send a message of togetherness and global peace.

At UNHCR`s request, the Museum of Byzantine Culture, which is the responsible authority for the White Tower, waived the entrance fee.

International Day of Peace is celebrated every year on 21 September. 

Photos: UNHCR/ Elli Delliou

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