UNHCR Greece unveils new website on donor-funded activities
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© UNHCR/Yorgos Kyvernitis
UNHCR’s Representation in Greece unveils today the new website donors.unhcr.gr, presenting its humanitarian activities funded by its governmental, institutional and private donors. Available in Greek and English, the website includes stories on UNHCR’s work on the mainland and the islands, statistics, as well as photo galleries and videos.
Through the new website, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, will give a comprehensive picture about projects of direct assistance and protection to help find solutions for asylum-seekers and refugees in Greece.
The website includes a subpage on the accomodation project for relocation candidates and vulnerable asylum seekers, that is funded by the European Commission – DG Home.
Another dedicated subpage features UNHCR’s work financed by European Commission – Humanitarian Aid. Indicatively, it runs stories about UNHCR’s current large-scale effort to support the government in preparing the official refugee sites for winter. UNHCR and its partners have been delivering up to 200,000 winter items to asylum seekers on the mainland and the islands, such as winter clothes, sleeping bags and thermal blankets. It has also been able to offer prefab houses instead of tents to about 1,800 people.